mardi 11 mai 2010

Final countdown

Here it is, college is almost over. You know what that means? It means summer. And summer means really good hardcore shows. And time to go to those shows. I'm planning on going to most of them. So far, that's what I'll be seeing :

May 22nd : Vile Intent with Look Beyond
May 29th : Change Of Ideas with Tightrope
for sure more to be added.

Also, 2010 seems like a good year for reunions. Outspoken and Morning Again are doing reunions. FTW. And it appears that Outspoken is doing an east coast show, which I couldn't miss. So I should add to that list of shows to go ATWR fest, which is in DC, 10 fucking hours drive. While this will cost a lot of gas money, I think it's TOTALLY worth it for the line up that has been announced so far.
As much as I hate winter, this will for sure be awesome.

mercredi 21 avril 2010


For a couple of months I've been a bass player in an all-girl hardcore band. We're not the greatest musician in the world and we have made some line up changes to get the most out of ourselves and get this band out for once. We filmed that video in order to look and hear how we sounded, so I'm kind of not supposed to put it here, but I think it's time to show the world (haha) who we are! Here is our actual line up! We're super proud of ourselves and we hope that everyone will like it! It's our second song, we still got some stuff to perfect but overall this is how it goes!

dimanche 4 avril 2010

I had a dream...

That Mindset was playing a pool party and that I was pool diving!

lundi 15 mars 2010

Spring break.

Yeah, that's right, it's my spring break! Between my old and new jobs, I'll post my review of Righteous Jams (no, I haven't forgotten)! So make sure to look after that.

I'll resume our Toronto week end cause I haven't done it yet.
Half way through the trip, we learned that Mindset wouldn't play, which was a big bummer for everyone in the car. So the mood was a little on the downside, we get to Toronto finally, and we are looking for the pizza place, we can't find any parking spot and Dany is getting stressed out because his show is 15 minutes away and he can't reach anyone in his band. We go to the venue and some old man screams at Dany, who doesn't understand A THING, calling him a fratboy with his varsity jacket, a bitch who can't get into punk rock at his age, bla bla bla. Drama's going on, we finally go to the pizza place and Dany finally reaches someone, we get to the venue again, no one is there, so we fold the inserts for the tapes.

The show starts with The Proof, who were awesome, you should check it out! After that, Look Beyond, weirdest performance ever seen from them, then after 20 minutes of Tony setting up his new wireless thing, people were leaving and almost booing them, Progression played, and they were better than LB. A friend and me leave, we go swimming at the pool, walk a little downtown Toronto, and when we step in the room, Dany calls me to come get his amp 'cause of drama that happened. We then learned that No Tolerance didn't play either.

After a good night of sleep, we go to Wholefoods groceries, grab some food and head to Sadie's dinner, where we got an awesome vegetarian breakfast before a long ride back home.

There were a couple of photos going on but I can't find any...will post one up when I do.

samedi 6 mars 2010


Okay that record is so good. Even better than the first one, which I thought is one of the best nowadays. The opening track, Create/Control couldn't be better, with that drum roll in the beggining. Wow. I don't know what to say other than that. I'm more than happy to have ordered it. I am even more bummed that they haven't played in Toronto finally. (I haven't talked about it yet, but yeah, they didn't play).

Favorite track : Create/Control.

Picture : Cover of the tour photo book Chris Bavaria (from the band) made, it is awesome!

jeudi 25 février 2010


Be ready to read about it, I already feel that it's going to be awesome.
I will for sure be fueling on coffee, for a 6 hours car ride.
A stop at Whole foods market, Pizzarello for veggie pizzas and Sadie's for veggie breakfast.
Pool in the hotel, party with Look Beyond, Progression and Mindset.
Awesome week end, but there will be snow. fuck.

vendredi 19 février 2010


NOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's snowing again! I was so happy when I could wear my Vans shoes.

I really hope it will melt before going to Toronto.